In another month from now, you will be 2 years old. I am so happy to be dedicated to you as a full time mommy. Your daddy supports that 101%!
Unfortunately, your sweet Nana had to leave Dubai all of a sudden due to health concerns, we all were very sad, so was she :(. She is going to miss your 2nd birthday :(. Your Avozinha made loads of muffins, cake and sent a mango from your great grand mother's mango tree specially for you.
Unfortunately, your sweet Nana had to leave Dubai all of a sudden due to health concerns, we all were very sad, so was she :(. She is going to miss your 2nd birthday :(. Your Avozinha made loads of muffins, cake and sent a mango from your great grand mother's mango tree specially for you.
You demand more knowledge, fun things to do, outings to specific locations like your friends home, your aatee's home or play area. You remember things told to you and make conversation with people over the phone or in person about those events.
At first, you would talk to people about objects around you, but now, you tell them about events in your life. Some of your overtold stories are
1) Nana - Plane - Goa - Jason. ( You are trying to say, Nana has left for Goa on a Plane and is with U.Jason)
2) Keni-Kena-School bus
3) Devraj - Plane - India
4) Avo Mena - Plane - Goa
5) Tia Boo Boo
6) Open Door - Arya house - Ting Tong ( Lets go to Arya's home, Ring the bell)
7) Dada gone work - car
8) Avozinha - cake
You wake up and remember everyone, starting from Daddy, to Nana, To Aatee Serena & cousins to Pravin & fly, Stephen & fly, Your friends in the building :D, the maids etc.
You know exactly what you want and demand to watch/not watch. You love Barney & mickey mouse music and love to dance.
At Kainan's home
You loved podgy Alika, you keep remembering her every day. Rina teases me that she will be my D-I-L ;)
For Kenisha's birthday, you participated in games
You love things with wheels :), you recognize and say 'car, bus, truck, digger, dump truck, bin truck, 'ti-ni-ni-ni for ambulance & fire engine', and you point and show every single vehicle when asked.
you are very organised, the moment you step inside the house, you remove your shoe and keep it near the shoe rack.
Breaking easter eggs, you tried hard but broke none. You did not like Keni and Kena throwing confetti on you.
Your bugee, you like it for now, lets see how long you will stay put in it ;)
You love to feed fish every where you go - @ Arya's home. BTW, the fish recognize you every time you come close to their tank, they move towards the spot you are at :))))
Or at Joaquim's home
Arya, Grace and you meet up many times and have fun together
Your weekends are super fun with your cousins over. A. Serena takes you out along with them to do fun stuff!
All set to go for Kainan's 1st bday. A. Lulu gave you this Jumper.
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