Thursday, June 3, 2010

11 months

29May - 4June2010

This week started with a crawl down the aisle for your A. Martina's 3 in one (Baptism, Communion, and Confirmation) ordination to a crawl late night till 10pm for your cousin Tia's 1st birthday party. Your Nana turn to stay with you starts with this week, your cousins were as usually cranky about this arrangement. You love to play with nana especially your peek-a-boos and you get to see a lot of Hindi soaps on TV along with her. This week you had fun with your cousins. The Usgare's visited you this week and you were after Christina (Sharmila's daughter) pink girly bag. This week you ate tons of tender coconut and you relished every bit of it and what surprised me is that you would drink ALL the water.Sadly this week all the mangoes Avozinhia sent were over and you ate the most of the lot :))).

This week your 2nd cousin was born to A. Rima and U.Bijoy at 22:15 UAE time. We will go to see as soon as A. Rima recoups from the post delivery blues.