Sunday, May 23, 2010

45wks [10mths-2wk]

You are getting boisterous!!!! I feel like laughing and at the same time pulling my hair watching your antics. You do not want to be blocked in your play area any longer, you want to explore every nook and corner of the house and pick the tiniest dirt in some god forsaken corner. This week you identified and said ‘Star’ so many times, that was cute. You also attempted real hard to say light, I admire your will power. You can indentify your stuffed toy cow's eyes, horn and tail. You also love to binge on cow's tail :))).
Your Nana arrived this week from Goa and you were shy when you watched her enter our home.The moment she spoke, you connected with her voice as you would babble endlessly over the phone. Later I could hear peals of laughter from both of you as you played peek a boo. She hand carried chickoos from our backyard including the mangoes and jackfruit that Avozinia's and A. Lorraine sent for you. You absolutely relished it, you are a lucky Goan baby getting pampered with goodies from back home.
I've noticed that you get upset when you see anyone else instead of me or daddy when you wake up. You love dancing, especially when we twirl and this week we had a blast dancing to 'Diane Birch - Valentino'. You have invented a killer machine i.e. your car + musical walker and I must admit that you are creative!! You dislike being held and prefer being down on the ground where you can crawl everywhere and bring the house down :)). This week you did that at A. Serena's home when we went over for Kenisha's 7th birthday. You had a blast with your cousins and you did not want to take your afternoon siesta but I ensured that you got some zzz. Later when you woke up, you were unlike your usual self; we later figured out that if we left you on the floor you were fine :))). You met many family members and friends that day.


  1. Awesome blog, Gins. :)
    He sure is a lucky one to have u as momma & I hope he learns it too.
