You have started walking the day after your birthday!! Your birthday gift for us Muuuahhh xoxoxox . You refer to us ‘Mammaae’ and ‘Dada’. But yeah, I goto admit you referred to daddy as ‘Dada’ couple of months earlier, It's really cute and unfair ;)
My love, suddenly you want loads of cuddles et all from mommy. You ONLY want to see me the first thing after you wake up. Daddy just does not understand this sudden attack. You are addicted to your fridge magnets. Daddy kept complaining some days back that the fridge magnets are everywhere on the floor....I later followed you and wondered what you were doing with them. Guess what??? You wanted to stick them on doors, cabinets, washing machine, your swing, buggie!!!
One evening you noticed fluffy clouds while we were at the play park, you admired them, said 'ahhhhhhhhh'many time. So I recited the poetry I had made up for you at 2 moths (the blue cloth book we picked from IKEA.) ‘Fluffy clouds fluffy clouds, pitter patter rain, peek-a-boo the sun is out on a rainbow day’ (pg 1). You repeated 'clouds'. While walking home from the play park you kept looking up and saying 'ahhhh' 'ahhhh' so I sat on the entrance steps, lay on my lap so that your neck would not get strained watching clouds :).
You are an ACE imitator, you imitate sneezing, coughing, funny sounds and you stick the phone to your ear and it falls behind you after a while :))).
You had a wonderful time with Avozinha on her super short visit for your birthday and U. Petvin's wedding that took place on 15th July.
You lucky fella! The amount of toys you have now are amazing! (Thank you everyone gifted Gareth such lovely gifts.)
We made a trip down home i.e. Goa to visit A. Nela, U. Mike and your cousins for the very first time. It was lovely! Your cousins totally adore you, especially Chloe. You gave Avo a tough time every morning with your outburst of energy to climb stairs and run outside :). You tried really hard to climb steps, with a lot of help from cousins :). Your U. Jason would come home everyday to take you for bike rides, you would wait for the brooooooooommm moments. A. Wendy and Pritam too made loads of time for you. You had so much fun with everyone.
Your favorite word is 'give me' it goes as 'gimmmm gimmmm gimmmmmmm'
Petvin and Martina's Church wedding
You visited the tallest structure in the world - Burj Kalifa, Dubai.
Visiting your 2nd cousin Kainan (Son Bijoy & Rima )for the first time, almost a month after his birth
A weekend get away at the Emirates Twin Towers 18th floor. You loved the view :)
Vacation to Goa to visit A. Nela, U. Michael, Cousins Hannah & Chloe for the first time