10-16April 2010You are officially a non-vegie today :). You've had Chicken everyday for lunch/dinner. I've also started giving you cereal for breakfast and you enjoy that.
You have invented your own games
1: You stand on the white chair(light weight) and rock it vigorously that it moves forward. I have to watch you closely at that crazy stunt!
2: When you sit on your pot you throw the duck/ ball/ring and make me pick it up a dozen times. If I do not fetch it for you, you take off to get it yourself and BHAM, you are off the pot.
3: When you've had enough of food, milk or water, you go pbrrr and spurt that out LOL, when I sternly tell you 'NO', you smile and go on and on, you think that's funny mister?? I laugh it out myself :)) when you do that.
4: You trow yourself down backwards..I think you like to see everything up-side-down!!
5: I put the finger puppets in your car box and you take them out when you finish riding.
You have various types of books, books with textures, some that make sounds, some that are simple and bright illustrations with minimum text. You touch every image to check if they have textures, you realise some do not have textures :). You especially like the typography, I wonder why!! When we are done with a story, you close the book look at the front and back cover page and then as a ritual, you shake it up to see if it makes any sounds :D! I must tell you that I know the story 'It's time for bed Snow Bear' by heart as we read it out to you every night before we put you to bed. You just love the part when it reads 'I want to dance with Hare' you smile and shyly say 'huaan'. Sometimes when I stop, you say 'huaan' ..like what next Mommy?
We took you to the sea shore last weekend as your story book 'Let's Go' had a surprise trip to the sea shore for the giraffe by the elephant. Now you smile at the word sea-shore :). Your U. Petvin recollects how he would make Avozinha tell him stories everyday at lunch hour, If she told him an already told story, he would refuse to eat LOL! I hope that I do not have to share that fate LOL! You also like to 'squeek' Suby's on the book 'It's Suby's birthday'.
This week your cousin Dina turned 1 and your U. Deepak and A. Arlette had a lovely birthday lunch party for her in Goa and Avozinha was there for the celebration. Dina was chirpy, waltzed with her uncle and took few steps. She looked adorable with her lil bunny tooth.